2018 Projects and Plans for 2019

In 2018, funding from the Cordell Marine Sanctuary Foundation supported several important research and education projects, including:

  • Deployment and retrieval of two oxygen sensors.  Low oxygen, or hypoxia, can have severe impacts on marine wildlife. This work, part of an ongoing collaboration between Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary and the U.C. Davis Bodega Marine Lab, will improve our understanding of how climate change is affecting life in the sea.
  • Educational projects to share with students, teachers, and the general public the wonders and value of Cordell Bank NMS and the abundant sea life that depends on its protection.
  • Members of our Board collaborated with a prominent international film company to begin production for a media presentation of the natural history and research programs associated with Cordell Bank and the adjacent pelagic realm.
  • Direct financial support for San Francisco International Ocean Film Festival, including cash prizes for the Student film competition.  With our support, the Festival invited students to free screenings of the inspirational ocean-themed films and a special Ocean Education program.


We plan to support continuing research of the ocean conditions that surround Cordell Bank. Hypoxia (low oxygen concentrations ) is being monitored cooperatively by the Sanctuary Foundation and Bodega Marine Laboratory scientists. Similar studies will continue on ocean acidification, and the effects each of the conditions have on the marine life of the Bank and surrounding waters. Both phenomena may be linked closely to worldwide climate change, and represent vital elements in a critical search for understanding of, and solutions to, the challenges we face with the future of our world’s oceans and life forms.

Additionally, support is being sought to expand our education and awareness programs to a broader audience, in schools and in the public sector.

By mid-year, we hope to be announcing the release of a documentary on the ocean life on and around Cordell Bank.  The film will explore the research projects underway in the Sanctuary, as well as reveal the special nature of this unique place.

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